Thursday, February 21, 2013

Recorder Website

In class I am going to be sharing a GREAT website in which students can practice recorder skills and concepts they have learned in class. This site is called JoyTunes. This website was developed as an online game to help foster recorder playing skills.
 Here students can explore one of the many 'worlds' in the recorder land. The thing that I LOVE about this game is that the students control the game through playing the recorder. You will need to have a microphone attached to your computer to play the game. The computer listens to the child planing the recorder and assesses how they are doing. By logging in through this link I will be able to get reports as to how your child is doing and what levels they have 'mastered'.

This is an example of one of the games. Students play G or A on their recorder to more the airplane up and down. (instead of using the keyboard or mouse). At the end of the game the students scores are shown to them, but I am also able to access how they did as well. This is GREAT assessment tool for me to use when it is sometimes hard to hear every student indivually in class each week.

This is a truly optional activity that students can do outside of class, but is a GREAT motivator to practice at home. Although some of the songs on the website we won't be doing in class, their will be a DIRECT connection to how they do in their at home practicing to how they do on class assignments.

To access the website click on this Link (

Friday, February 15, 2013

4th Grade Recorders

How exciting! We have started playing recorders in 4th grade. Call me crazy, but this is one of my favorite times of the year in music class. I love the excitement of the students as they begin to learn their instrument. Not only does the recorder provide students an excellent way to learn to read staff notation, it is also a GREAT preparation instrument for those students who may join an instrumental ensemble in middle school. Learning to play the recorder takes patience, discipline, time management and responsibility. All of these are skills that will help the students in whatever path their lief may take them in.

Here is what we learned about playing position
  1. Left hand on top and right hand below (right thumb on black dot).
  2. Rest your recorder on your lip with the mouthpiece just past your teeth.
  3. Create a seal with your top lip and blow SLOW, WARM air.

We have also started to learn the fingering positions for 3 notes on the staff.

Below is the first song that we did in class.

We will be focusing on the letters B , A , G this year in music class. Students will be learning songs in class, but they will also be working on earning 'belts' for their mastery of a specific song or technique. These songs will be in addition to songs that we do in class. I will introduce them in class, but its up to the students to practice them at home. This is an OPTIONAL assignment for students that want to further their recorder playing. If students get 5 belts they will earn an ice cream sundae party with Mrs. Porretta!